Wednesday, 29 October 2014

DIY Center Pieces: Part 1

I think I got my love of thrifting and DIYing from my parents. My father is the world's thriftiest man, I promise you, and my mother is Wonder Woman when it comes to DIY projects. So together they make the perfect team!

Thanks to them, Maeghan and I inherited a MASSIVE box (it took both of us to load it into our car and then into our apartment...) of vintage mason jars that we're incorporating into our center pieces for the wedding. I'm sure most of you have got the vibe already, but Maeghan and I are so excited about our vintage-rustic theme, so these mason jars are the perfect treasure. Along with the jars, my mom sent us home with a bin full of lace, beading, and twine that she inherited when my grandmother passed away many many years ago. Luckily, a few months earlier Maeghan and I stumbled upon and purchased a huge sack of burlap at a garage sale for five bucks!

With all these crafting supplies filling the far corner of our apartment, I convinced my wonderful maid of honour to spend the entire day with me re-purposing the jars. She even came prepared with OJ and champagne so we could sip on mimosas while we worked! We laid out the supplies, plugged in our hot glue guns (which in hindsight we should have placed on some scrap cardboard...sorry Maeghan!) and we were set to decorate!

After a few hours, a few mimosas, and when we'd run dry on creativity we had re-purposed over half of the jars we will need for the center pieces! Of course we had to place tea lights in all of them and light them for a true visual...

Hopefully even after all of the finger burns from hot glue I can convince my MOH to help me finish...

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